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Drum & Tuba Band
22 May Wednesday
18:00 Beginning
Free Ticket price

Music for Victory!
On May 22nd, the Drum & Tuba Band will be at Pepper’s.

This ensemble consists of nine members and performs original riot jazz – a synthesis of jazz, funk, and hip-hop. The “icing on the cake” is the vibrant and unique frontman from Nigeria – Jerry. He has an individual and recognizable delivery style, and he is also the author of all the song lyrics. In this project, no electronic instruments are used, only one hundred percent live performance.

The explosive drive of live music, originality in presentation, fresh sound, and the combination of seemingly incompatible elements attract listeners with absolutely different musical preferences and ages – from children to mature individuals. Everyone can find something of their own and discover something about themselves in the music of the Drum & Tuba Band.